Get Uncomfortable

Challenge yourself with things that push you a bit out of your comfort zone, you know, where your heart begins to race and the butterflies feel like they are going to carry you away.  Every time you push your limits beyond your comfort zone, you are building your Super Power in not over reacting.  This is a very important skill to have, especially while riding a motorcycle.  Learning to not overreact can be the difference between crashing and not crashing. It’s a great Super Power to possess.  I had the chance to put this Super Power into play while lane splitting on one of California’s crazy highways.  Being newish with lane splitting, I was assessing whether I could fit between 2 vehicles.  I lost sight on the fact I have handlebars and the cars have mirrors.  Needless to say, I tagged one of the vehicle’s mirrors which then throw me off course and in front of the other vehicle.  I then had to swerve so I didn’t hit the vehicle in front of that vehicle.  I know this sounds crazy, but because I have challenged myself in practicing all the skills needed for motorcycle riding and have always pushed my comfort zone in many different aspects in life; I did not panic and at no time did I feel like I was going to die (I’m being a little dramatic here).  My Super Power kicked in and I was able to except my current situation, kept the bike upright and carried on without any overzealous corrections.  My takeaway from that situation was to not push the limits of space quite so much and I hope your takeaway is to not only practice the skills that are taught in motorcycle riding but to also get out of your comfort zone.  The more you can get comfortable being uncomfortable, the better you can manage crazy situations like this one.

Long Beach after playing bumper cars.


Lessons Learned on the MABDR